Saturday, November 25, 2017

An In-Depth Guide: How to Defeat Ignis in FFXV Comrades

Finding yourself struggling with Ignis wanting to 'practice' in Lestallum, only to be promptly laid on your ass by him?  Yeah, I was, too.


The Flame Shield.

Beat the everliving hell out of that blind man.

Don’t stop.  Don’t waver, don't worry about healing.  Don’t charge him to expend MP.

Just slam that flat hammer down on him repeatedly and he won’t have time to do anything.


He kept wiping the floor with my then-Level 20 character (he is level 22).  I switched to my second avatar, a mere level 5, and decided to see how fast he’d lay her out to pasture because it’d be funny.

I equipped her with the Flame Shield since, by then, it was abundantly clear fire is his weakness, and did a warp strike to close the distance…

And promptly beat his ass.  It staggers him so severely that he barely has time to retaliate, let alone heal himself as he does if you have to get distance from him to heal yourself.

This was tried by a friend, and she encountered the same results.

NOTE: The shield automatically reduces incoming damage.  My biggest struggle was when Ignis would swing his blades at me, because that was a one-hit kill with my stronger avatar.  However, with the much weaker one, that attack maybe did a third of my health bar in, and not even permanently damaging my health regen.  I've started taking shields into quests, even when they're noted as being weak against anything I'll be fighting, because they give you a substantial advantage against higher enemies.


Flame Shield and no capacity for empathy for the handicapped.

I can say that as a cripple myself, go away.

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