Saturday, November 10, 2012

A Brief and Dazed Evaluation of Assassin’s Creed 3

The following is being written at 5:30am on a Saturday while in the delirium of personal issues.  THIS IS GONNA BE FUN.  I’m being fairly spoiler free, but I might make an mistake.

So, AC3 is something that I have been freaking all out about since the first promotional image ‘leaked’ all those months ago of a new assassin all America’d and patriotic.  I was really looking forward to this game.  I’m sad to say it wasn’t all I expected it to be.

First, I’ll cover the positives.

There is an incredibly interesting line of original characters.  From Connor’s parents to his eventual mentor, even to the characters running the sidelines in Connor’s homestead and his recruits, they each have vivid personalities that I wish could have been delved into a bit more.  We saw the start of this idea in Revelations with the few recruits Ezio helped in actual mission form, so it was nice to see it the case for all Connor’s recruits.

The graphics are, for the most part, beautiful.  The ideas behind the game mechanics were solid, and really played to the scenery.  The background noise was great to hear, as it always is for these games because of the amount of audio-study they do.

I also highly enjoy the naval combat scenarios.  I didn’t think I would when I first saw them, but they are very enjoyable.

My favorite part of the game—beyond getting to kind of really play Desmond Miles—was watching Connor interact with his father.  The dynamic the AC writers gave them was amazing.  The snarking, the intuitiveness, the subtleties.  All of these made for a very incredible dynamic that I appreciate more than anything.

But then we get to the negatives.


Warning: This game has bugs.  A lot of bugs.  And what boggles my mind is that the AC team boasted about how AC3 was built brand new with shiny new codes and such, yet there are glitches there that have been in prior games.  I had a feeling things were going to go south when I researched the first-day update I received on my 360, and it was for…….. bugs.

We have weapons disappearing, AIs getting stuck in things—I had one mission where I needed to catch a man involved with tax abuse.  However, I had to abandon it and return later because he was stuck in the peddler’s cart and getting dragged around Boston.  Connor’s body couldn’t reach him because he was PART OF THE CART.

People are disappearing and reappearing all over the place.  There’s a bar in Boston where a man at the actual bar counter is always sitting on a floating stool above it until you’ve been looking more than five seconds and suddenly the invisible stool is right next to a perfectly solid and visible stool.

The camera repeatedly swings behind walls, trees and other barrier-like items during battle.  Because of the literal onslaught of guards that tend to appear, you have to use your chin to turn the camera.  Why didn’t they program it to roll around the favorable side of the item?  Other games, including in the AC series, have done this.  This is awful for the nature of the battle system—no health replenishing items and requirement for a kill streak or else you stand a brilliantly high chance of dying—and I want to scream every time I encounter it.

Oh yeah, and let’s mention that sometimes the game won’t register that you’ve done something you just did (such as with Liberation Missions), forcing you to leave the area entirely and hope you can find your way back to the situation once it respawns.


I don’t have much to say on this, other than the tutorials left a lot to be desired, and to be learned.  I thought it was just the painkillers, but my non-sedated, far more intelligent friend advised me that no, both she and her equally intelligent brother were left astonished at how poorly done these tutorials were.  I just had to skip all of it (well, quickly navigate through because there is no skip option) just to get a chance to learn the convoy money-making system myself.


Speaking of bad tutorials…

After concluding a full playthrough, you gain access to Pivot Points.  Because the tutorial system is awful, you will likely be left staring at the screen, wondering if you took a hit of something.  So, allow me to spoil it for you:

Pivot Points, also referred to as Animus Hacks, are interactive pieces.  You start with three random ones (they are labeled after the Greek alphabet).  What you do is you take these and plant them by going to a location > access map > scroll to Pivot Points > tell the map to set the pivot point.

These then show up on your game looking like floating, blue crystal unicorns.

Every fifteen minutes (so I’ve heard), your game uploads to some servers Ubisoft has running, and your planted pivot points are copied to another person’s game at random.  Same with your map, you receive some in your game in locations other players planted theirs.  You want to collect them all.  They also unlock gifts like unlimited health, or unlimited recruit tokens (previously known as assassin signals).  Really handy things.



I hope they patch this, but thus far, they have not.

The ‘tutorial’ doesn’t mention this.

I think I’ll actually be a little okay with the idea of the Animus Hacks and Pivot Points if they fix the saving thing.


When you come out of Revelations with the experience of Ezio’s wrist gun, where he has a speedy chambering even though he had limited ammo, AC3 is hard.  The AC team was clearly going for realism, and I can respect that, but we’ve kind of gotten to a point where we expect our assassins to come equipped with something that doesn’t actually exist, or at least not in that time.

Connor’s reload time with any weapon is ridiculous.  I appreciate that the enemy has the same slow load time, but when there’s ten of them and one of you, oh my God.  I hate the kill streak system to begin with, why would you do this.  Sad face.


Soundtrack’s awesome when you can hear it!  I heard about the reason multiplayer was put on a second disk—the disk kept ‘blowing up’ on them—but did they remove some music audio files too?  It’s really absent in a lot of places music would normally be continuously (such as the cities themselves), so I was disappointed.  I really wanted to hear Lorne Balfe’s work in action to set a mood in the environments Connor visited while doing recruit missions and the like.


Overall, it’s an AC game and I appreciate it for what it is.  I wish Ubisoft would have sucked it up and said the game needed an extra month in development.  I do, but if Ubisoft can fix even half of the glitches alone through an update patch, I can live with that.

Please, AC Team, please send a fix.  I beg of you.  PLEASE.

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