Tuesday, December 15, 2009

MANGA/ANIME: Axis Powers Hetalia - America and why he looks that way

I love Axis Powers Hetalia, and I love the wankhood that stems from it as well.

To date, one of the most amusing arguments comes from the appearance of America.  Eventually I'll put an actual photo up, but in the meantime you can follow the above link to see a generic google image search of him.

He's blond, blue eyed--he's white.  He loves video games, hamburgers, beer, and football.

The debate has been that America should clearly look multiracial because he's a melting pot (and in this fandom, that's how you refer to the countries: by their gender) and has no real single-culture platform.  Okay, granted.  Buttttt...

In the Hetalia canon, he is found wandering the woods of England's "home" and is found, raised by England a bit and eventually sent to become the Thirteen Colonies.  :|  Therefore America would have that European look because he started from England himself.  It's kind of funny and awkward to refer to family genetics with this, but it's a core logic that it's not based on what his primary racial diversity is now.  It's what it started as and what he stood as in his very beginning.

And come on, who doesn't want to eat a hamburger while wearing a bomber jacket in the middle of a war?

There's a long list of wrongs to Hetalia, meant to try to shame people out of liking the canon.  It's sad, because it's actually an incredibly intelligent but hilarious series.  I'm more of a German boy fan myself (Germany, Prussia, Austria), but I appreciate the history humor in it.  Especially because it really isn't supposed to be serious!

Over on LiveJournal.com, there's a community for Hetalia.  http://community.livejournal.com/hetalia/  Simple enough!  They have a site that hosts links to all the original and scanlated strips here: http://sites.google.com/site/hetaliaindexes/  I would really encourage you to take a look at the strips, and if you like you can always find the anime on the LJ community!  Don't be discouraged by the drawing level or animation styles.  Like I said: Hetalia really is all just for good fun!

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